© Diana MacDonald 2019
Diana MacDonaldPractical UI Patterns for Design Systemshttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-4938-3_3

3. Deciding which pattern to use and when

Diana MacDonald1 
Victoria, VIC, Australia

Hitting the right note includes knowing when not to strike.

In this chapter, we’ll look at considering the context of your design problem so that you can evaluate a pattern’s suitability; not every pattern is appropriate to every problem. For context, we’ll consider user needs, technical challenges, and business implications for patterns. We’ll explore principles for evaluating the effectiveness of patterns.

Throughout the chapter, we’ll see patterns for finding, reading, collecting, and sharing content.


There are a few particular aspects you may consider to define the context of design problems: user journeys, user tasks, personas, constraints, and content or data.

User journeys or customer journeys ( https://conversionxl.com/customer-journey-maps/ ) are the story of how a user navigates your product, including how they perceive your product at every touch point on their way toward their goal. They describe the setting and sequence of events. Journeys encompass discovery and awareness of your brand, first use of your product, conversation across channels including social media, loyal engagement, and actions taken with your product.

User tasks or Jobs to be Done ( https://blog.intercom.com/finding-jobs-your-product-is-used-for/ ) establish what your user is trying to accomplish, such as find a restaurant’s opening hours, play to kill time waiting for a train, update social status, or crop unwanted details out of a photo.

User groups or personas ( www.nngroup.com/articles/persona/ ) can be used to describe the identities and experiences of your users. A person’s interaction with your product is influenced deeply by their personality, motivations, expertise, location, mood, etc., and that’s not even touching on their demographics.

Constraints include all the limitations set on a solution. This ranges from the user’s environment including their devices (phone, TV, watch), Internet connection (fast, patchy, filtered), and input mechanism (track pad, keyboard, voice, touch screen) to your technology, business, and design needs. There might be ethical, legal, resource, or security constraints that influence your design choices.

Content and data include all the substance of your product. Content usually means copy (text), images, video, and all other media and information, including user-generated content like photos on social media. Data often describes information about the user or product like search results, current address, or filenames.

In the following text, we’ll see how each of these factors influences when a pattern is appropriate.

Pattern: Autocomplete

The autocomplete pattern automatically completes typed user input with matching results from a larger data set.

As human beings, as flawed, mere mortals, your site visitors cannot always recall the full name of what they’re searching for, or how it is spelled, or even what you happen to call it. As such, autocomplete lets your system match your visitor’s first few key strokes with possible solutions. Autocomplete will usually attempt to finish the word you have started, like in predictive text on mobile phones, saving you keystrokes and time, while efficiently finishing the task. This is extremely convenient when accurately typing a phrase is difficult, such as on mobile phones, graphic tablets, voice control, and so on.

Figure 3-1 shows the SwiftKey keyboard, which will let you autocomplete the previously typed text “de” with “design,” “dev,” or “development” in a single tap.
Figure 3-1.

Screenshot of the SwiftKey keyboard

In search, autocomplete is often used to promote popular results, such as Apple matching “iph” to “iPhone” and specific results like “iPhone XR” and “iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 Plus,” as shown in Figure 3-2.
Figure 3-2.

Screenshot of Apple’s autocomplete search that suggests quick links to specific products and suggested searches to related products like cases


Similar to traditional “autocomplete,” “autosuggest” breaks beyond the input provided to suggest alternative, relevant answers. It might even suggest results from multiple data sets. For example, after the United Kingdom voted to leave the EU, it’s been suggested that afterward many people in that country began searching Google for “What is the EU?” and “What is brexit?”.1 As you can see in Figure 3-3, Google lets you autocomplete the words “what is the europea” with “what is the european union,” showing the text that you can autocomplete by pressing the Tab key (“n union”) in light gray text in the search input field.
Figure 3-3.

Screenshot of Google’s autocomplete highlights the differences in text that you can complete

Google also blends autocomplete and autosuggest by letting you autocomplete the whole sentence using other noun phrases, showing additional results below the search input field (emphasizing the available autocomplete text with strong, bold text).

In Figure 3-4, you can see Google also autosuggests similar phrases, such as “what is europe saying about brexit,” that can be quite different from the text you’ve typed so far, “What is Brexit EU?”.
Figure 3-4.

Screenshot of Google’s autosuggest that proposes alternative queries that might be relevant

Another occasion to use autocomplete is when you might use a different name for the same idea, like showing “autosuggest” in results for “autocomplete.”

Immediately showing results the moment a user asks for them is necessary to provide feedback about how the system behaves. Without snappy feedback, the user might see no results at all and be unable to access what they need. If you’ve typed an entire phrase before the autocomplete presents results, you might miss the functionality completely. If you searched for “iPhone 77” without seeing any autocomplete results, you’d miss the result linking directly to the “iPhone 7” product, see regular search results, as shown in Figure 3-5, and never know the autocomplete existed.
Figure 3-5.

Screenshot of a search for “iPhone 77” that shows the iPhone 7 as one of two results

User context and performance

There are any number of reasons your autocomplete might be too slow. Both the processing needed to find matches and the rendering of results take time. If there’s any search-side processing performed (for large data sets), your user’s patchy Internet connection on the train home might be a problem. If there are complex results to show like product images, your user’s old mobile device with a poor CPU and dying battery might have insufficient power to render results quickly. Figure 3-6 shows images in autocomplete search results that might have performance considerations.
Figure 3-6.

Screenshot of Warby Parker’s site presenting product photos with their names in autocomplete search results

In these contexts, autocomplete is probably a poor solution. To otherwise help users navigate a large set of results, you might instead use pagination and search filters, which we’ll look at shortly. To be forgiving of a user’s misspellings, you might use spell check or present alternative (correctly spelled) results after they’ve finished typing.

To learn more about autocomplete pattern design, see Baymard Institute’s 8 Design Patterns for Autocomplete Suggestions ( https://baymard.com/blog/autocomplete-design ).

Pattern: Search filters

Search filters reduce search results by excluding irrelevant information using contextual filters to refine initial results.

Figure 3-7 shows an example of search filters.
Figure 3-7.

Screenshot of Ugmonk searches, which can be filtered by style, color, and material

Search results can be massive. The typical Google search produces millions of results, and most of the results will not be seen. To find a needle in a haystack like that, a searcher might try a different search term with fewer results, or you could provide search filters through which your user can indicate which aspect of the results they are most interested in.

Search filters are great when the searcher doesn’t know exactly what they’re looking for but have some criteria in mind by which they’ll recognize the right result when they see it. For example, your user knows they want to see a new movie and they don’t know which movie yet, but they do know what genres they like, directors or actors they admire, which cinemas nearby they’d like to see a movie at, and what time of day they can see a movie. In this scenario, your user can make their preferences known by using your filters to narrow the full list of currently showing movies down to those that fit their needs.

Using search filters, your users can dynamically update results with contextual options that they may not have even considered before to narrow down the search. See, for example, Birdsnest’s ( www.birdsnest.com.au/womens/dresses ) rarer filtering options, such as “body shape,” shown in Figure 3-8.
Figure 3-8.

Screenshot of Birdsnest’s search filters that include body shape, occasion, and personality

Use the search filter pattern when traits are obvious like media type (maps, images, books), price, and size. Avoid this pattern when categorization is hard, when there are very few results, or when clear navigation and hierarchy is more suitable.

Search filter patterns are often seen with scoped search, where you first choose some larger exclusive category, like dresses or jeans, before showing search filters relevant to their results, like maxi dresses or straight cut jeans. We’ll look more at mixing and matching patterns and their implications in Chapter 6.

Using a filter is basically a crutch for being unable to instantly divine what the visitor is looking for. Ideally, you’d immediately present their exact desires. You might find alternatives to search filters for discerning their needs, such as seeing they’ve come to your site from an ad for blue hats, and instead of showing a search listing filtered to “hats” that are “blue,” show only a result listing containing blue hats. No clutter, no distractions. This illustrates how the user journey and task could prove the search filter pattern irrelevant in this context.

Information architecture

Information architecture is the structure of your product’s information—how it’s organized and labeled. Organizing your product effectively helps users find content by its grouping and relationships. Dan Brown suggests eight principles of information architecture:2
  1. 1.

    Principle of objects: Treat content as a living, breathing thing with a lifecycle, behaviors, and attributes.

  2. 2.

    Principle of choices: Create pages that offer meaningful choices to users, keeping the range of choices available focused on a particular task.

  3. 3.

    Principle of disclosure: Show only enough information to help people understand what kinds of information they’ll find as they dig deeper.

  4. 4.

    Principle of exemplars: Describe the contents of categories by showing examples of the contents.

  5. 5.

    Principle of front doors: Assume at least half of the web site’s visitors will come through some page other than the homepage.

  6. 6.

    Principle of multiple classification: Offer users several different classification schemes to browse the site’s content.

  7. 7.

    Principle of focused navigation: The principle of focused navigationdon’t mix apples and oranges in your navigation scheme.

  8. 8.

    Principle of growth: Assume the content you have today is a small fraction of the content you will have tomorrow.


These are solid foundations for evaluating patterns. The search filter pattern itself embodies the principles of choices and multiple classification. In applying the pattern, consider how the search filter labels might exemplify the items within each filter. Filter by “category” or “type” gives you no indication of whether these filters will help a user in their search. Alternatively, filter by “weather” or “color” gives them a sense of what they might find underneath. By considering the principle of growth, you might conclude that while your horizontal filter toolbar design3 looks fine now with just four filters, as the number of results grows, you might not fit the extra filters needed to sufficiently winnow the results. Conversely, as the collection grows, you might need to be more judicious in only showing the most valuable filters, occasionally culling some.

This brings us back to considering the context of your data and the user’s journey. For example, Airbnb shared in a video about search at Airbnb4 that filtering by price and deal-breakers were in the top four most important aspects to their users’ searches, and so they prioritized the price filter as well as easy access to the many deal-breaker filters (like pet-friendliness) in their design.

Multiple filters

Sometimes search filters let you select multiple filters at the same time. To clarify how two filters work together, you can show the matching criteria in the results. For example, using Birdsnest’s search filters, you can select items that are less than $30 or more than $150. In the results you can then see the prices and which products match each of these criteria, as shown in Figure 3-9.
Figure 3-9.

Screenshot of Birdsnest’s search filters, which let you choose several filters

It might seem obvious for “price” that a dress is only one price, so selecting two price ranges (less than $30 and more than $150) should find products priced in both ranges rather than no results, but it’s less obvious if choosing “Casual chic” and “Classic” will find products in both those styles or only products that are classic and casual chic. Feedback is needed to clarify filter functionality.

Filter feedback

To give users more feedback when they interact with your filters, you can subtly reinforce filter behavior, without cluttering results by using matching images. Here you can see in Figure 3-10 product images with the models’ arms shown when you filter by the “Show Off Arms” body shape.
Figure 3-10.

Screenshot of Birdsnest where product images match filters

There’s no need to add text to each result to say “shows off arms” when it can be seen from the photos. In contrast, the price needs to be shown as text next to each item.

Another method to give feedback about search filters is using tags to show the selected filters, as you can see in Figure 3-11. This is particularly helpful on smaller screens where you may be unable to show filters and results at the same time and therefore unable to indicate which filters are selected in the filters themselves. If the tags were not shown here, you would be unable to see that the results are filtered at all.
Figure 3-11.

Screenshot of Harvard Business Review, which shows the refined search results are case studies about the technology industry

Choosing filters

The filters offered must meaningfully classify and describe the results. To illustrate, a filter for “good movies” will be challenging because the criteria for deciding what’s good are highly subjective, so it will be unclear what results are in each filter. If, however, you clarified the filter as “BAFTA award-winning films,” some clear criteria for “good” are being used, and the results will be more predictable.

In Figure 3-12, you can see a search term and a search filter for “what” kind of job, a filter for “where,” as well as further options to refine the search, including salary bands.
Figure 3-12.

Screenshot of Seek’s filters, which show available filter options, selected filter options, and the number of results

Live filters

Refining results in real time using “live” filters—instantly updating results—lets your users directly manipulate the results and gives them control to respond to feedback: each set of new results lets them know whether they need to add another filter to find content right for them. For example, if your user’s first refinement still shows millions of results, they know they need to keep filtering. During the process of updating the results, you can convey what’s happening to your users by presenting a loading state and then a completed state. The loading state might animate the old results out and new results in to draw attention to their changes. The completed state might cease all movement or add a visible detail to the filter after results are loaded, which indicates it’s “on.” For tiny screens, you might be unable to fit the results next to the filters, requiring a different approach to how you present the loading state. Instead, you might batch filters.

Batch filters

You might let your users batch together their filter choices by selecting a few filters at once and choosing “Search,” “Apply,” or “Done” before presenting any results. This is particularly useful if your product has a lot of data. Otherwise, your user might be frustrated by irrelevant, distracting information until they’ve added the final filter necessary to produce the results they want. Google Analytics updated their UI in early 2016 to let users navigate different reports, select “data granularity,” and add additional dimensions before updating the results. Previously, any selection would immediately block all subsequent interaction until the results had updated (a time-consuming activity) before you could select anything else needed to actually filter the data to the results you wanted. Figure 3-13 shows Airbnb’s batch filters.
Figure 3-13.

Screenshot of Airbnb’s batch filters

These filters let you select the number of rooms and beds, toggle “superhosts,” choose amenities, and tap “See homes” before processing results.

Error prevention and recovery

Nobody likes zero results, so nudge the user toward successful searches. This will depend a lot on the shape of the data. Show the most important filter first. Show how many results will be available with subsequent filters, or prevent access to additional conflicting filters. Avoid filters that only match single items. Figure 3-14 shows Airbnb’s price filter.
Figure 3-14.

Screenshot of Airbnb’s price filter

This filter shows results at each price point using a miniature bar chart and a range slider, indicating areas that would produce zero results.

Using a “clear filters” option provides people with an emergency exit when the results are bad so they can abandon their choices so far and start over.

Pattern: Activity feed

An activity feed shows recent activity in a timeline—a list of events in chronological order. Activity feeds help users keep up to date on changing events and information that are important to them. They’re common staples of social media sites.

Figure 3-15 shows an example of an activity feed.
Figure 3-15.

Screenshot of Asana’s activity feed, which shows tasks assigned to you by other members, the projects they belong to, and by whom

It can be difficult sometimes to keep up with everything that’s happening. Within a product, there might be a whole community and ecosystem of activity and countless events occurring at any moment. By using an activity feed, you can help people identify events that matter to them in a sea of noise, and then engage further with that event and your product. This is particularly helpful when a lot can happen between the times a user engages with your product, such as reading the world news in the morning and catching up on the last day’s events.

As activity feeds are used to enable users to look through information, scannability is a high priority. You can segment activity into digestible little chunks, where the visitor may then leap off into further related action on an activity, if they wish. Alternatively, they might continue on consuming the stream without acting on events.

To aid scanability, think about
  • Showing when an event occurred (more on that in the following text).

  • Exactly what happened—What’s the nature of the event? A photo uploaded? A status update? Money sent? An item shared? A new task to do?

  • Clearly indicating who initiated an event, such as prominently showing a user’s display photo and name or handle in a social media activity feed.
    • If there are multiple parties involved, visually demonstrate the relationships between them, such as listing an individual user as well as the organization they belong to.

To show events over time, it’s important to make the time the event occurred visible, relevant, and useful. Your product will determine what’s “relevant,” but here are some examples.
  • For a blog or news site, show the day, month, and year. Is the exact time a post was published useful to your users?

  • In a real-time social media feed like Twitter, where drama can unfold quickly, show the date and time down to the minute and maybe even seconds.

  • For a health and fitness app, show today’s events or this week’s progress. While the year’s summary might be useful, it’s unlikely each event like a workout or meal eaten is interesting in a timeline of that period.

Instead of absolute dates and times like “1 January, 3:24PM,” it’s sometimes more pertinent to show relative times like “3 minutes ago” or time between milestones, such as “While you were away” or “Yesterday.” The older content is, the more likely it should be archived in away in a larger category like “Older than 5 years ago.”

Once a user finds something of particular interest in an activity feed, you might let them take further action, like
  • Follow a link to read more. For example, follow a news teaser to the full article.

  • Save the event. For example, bookmark a shared social object.

  • Manipulate or interact with the event. For example, comment on an event, complete a task, remove from the feed.

Given the repetition of these available actions for a large number of items in a feed, you might hide the actions a user can take until they interact with the event, such as showing “share buttons” and other controls on hover for nontouch devices or after tapping to select the event on touch devices.

To help users track recent events that matter to them, an activity feed needs to effectively manage the volume of activities. Too little activity might mean your product isn’t providing enough value and appears quiet or boring. Too much activity and the user might be overwhelmed, defeating the purpose of the feed. For high volumes of activities, some clustering may be needed. For example, you might collapse all of “Sam’s” recent activity—sharing hundreds of photos—into a single “Sam” photo album event.

Further, you might offer separate views of the same feed, such as Facebook providing a main feed as well as notifications for a particular activity you’re interested in, such as activity by certain people.


Facebook kicked up a stink when they stopped showing content chronologically and started presenting information according to its perceived importance. This had the unfortunate side effect that conversations became difficult to follow when comments weren’t presented in order. Usually, activity feeds are shown in order according to time the event occurred. Conversely, Reddit masterfully elevates highly voted content in its comment activity feeds, making an effort to clearly show the filtering that’s happening and maintaining coherence.

An activity feed may be a poor choice when your most interesting content is not the most recent.

Pattern: Favorites

A list of favorites is a personalized, curated list of preferred items, stored for later use.

Figure 3-16 shows an example of favorites, labeled as “Likes.”
Figure 3-16.

Screenshot of Twitter’s likes, which create a shorter feed of happy content

Favorites serve two primary functions. Firstly, users can return to content they adored in the past. Secondly, users can find favorited content recommended by others; favorites reveal exceptional and remarkable content in a saturated environment.


In rare cases, favorites are private. This is akin to e-commerce “wish listing” when a user is shortlisting candidates or saving a product for later, such as when they’ve saved up enough money.

A rose by any other name

The favorite pattern can go by many different names, while the behavior underpinning stays the same. Pinterest, for example, lets you “save” a pin to mark it as a favorite. Twitter, by contrast, lists a user’s favorite tweets under “liked” tweets. Notably, both of these products have changed their naming conventions and features over the years to pare back and simplify their UIs. Pinterest experimented with both a “like” and a “save” button before retiring like as a redundant option next to the more powerful “save” that let users categorize their favorites. Twitter renamed their previously existing “favorites” as “likes,” which suits its more generic behavior. A liked tweet could have all sorts of social implications, according to personal use and behavior in particular circles. Some people treat it only as a reaction and never refer back to their likes.

To use the favorite pattern, you’ll need to let people mark an item as a favorite as well as refer back to the collection of favorites. You can let people add an item to their favorites by providing a button on or next to the critical items in your product, such as articles, photos, or activity. You can let your user—and in some cases, other users—refer back to the collection of favorites by keeping them all in one place and linking to each individual favorited item.

While it’s common to store all of a user’s favorites in a single list, if your users want to show why they added an item to their favorites, you could let them group and name their favorites in several named lists like Pinterest’s “boards,” as shown in Figure 3-17.
Figure 3-17.

Screenshot of a product design board on Pinterest with 21 saved pins

On the other hand, housing favorites together in one list with a single name makes them more a versatile feature: a favorite could be a read receipt to acknowledge you’ve seen it, it could be a bookmark of bad content you want to fix later, it could literally be your single most loved item.

Favorites are often accompanied by a metaphor and iconography such as heart, star, thumbs up, or “+1” to like, love, promote, or collect an item. For usability, ensure consistency and standards are used instead of switching between a heart here and a star there. Likewise, showing both the icon and label in all the places a favorite appears can avoid the confusion of an unlabeled heart shown in one place and an ambiguous label like “saved” with no matching icon elsewhere. If for some reason you use both a thumbs up for favorites and a “+1” for up-voting content (e.g., in a democratic system promoting crowdsourced ratings), make it clear what the distinction is between them.

It’s worth considering how the favorite pattern is different from similar features.

Favorites tend to reflect particular affection toward an item and are usually shared, making it a social experience, distinguishing favorites from traditional browser “bookmark” or “save for later” features, which are personal and unremarkable. Further, bookmarks usually grab a whole page instead of one specific object within the page.

Favorites are also collected unlike reactions, such as a “like” on Facebook or “comments,” which are more ephemeral and transactional in nature, often forgotten, and rarely referred back to. In the case of Twitter, a user’s “likes” list is prominently displayed on their profile.

A favorited item also offers only a single indicator of a user’s general preference for it rather than showing on a scale just how much it matters to them. By contrast, “ratings” let a user specifically rate an item using, for example, an overall number out of 5 or on particular attributes like Airbnb’s “cleanliness” and “value” ratings.

Favorites and activity feeds are shaped around bite-sized, shareable content. As such, it’s easy for search engines to identify highly influential content produced from within these patterns. Here you can see how some patterns naturally support search engine optimization (SEO).


Throughout all of these patterns, you’ll find most have important interface text guiding the user. Microcopy alludes to the smaller snippets of text in an interface used to guide and reassure a user, as opposed to long-form copy like a blog post. Some common microcopy examples include
  • Link text, button text, headings, and navigation labels that help people find their way about, usually front-loaded with important, skimmable keywords

  • Validation feedback, inline help text, tags, labels, and tooltips, oriented around user tasks, suggesting specific solutions or next steps

Microcopy is necessary for people to navigate and complete tasks, as well as being useful in inspiring trust and credibility. Clear microcopy may also reduce customer support queries by addressing people’s concerns before they ask. As proof of the potential impact of these tiny words, read about The $300 Million Button by Jared M. Spool ( https://articles.uie.com/three_hund_million_button/ ), wherein 35 words increased the number of customers purchasing by 45%, by replacing the “Register” button with a “Continue” button and the message: “You do not need to create an account to make purchases on our site. Simply click Continue to proceed to checkout. To make your future purchases even faster, you can create an account during checkout.”

As with validation feedback (described in Chapter 2), good microcopy is concrete, precise, active, and positive and suggests solutions. It is also more important than ever to cull needless words.

Pattern: Pagination

Pagination separates large bodies of content into separate pages, accessed by a shared index of links.

Figure 3-18 shows an example of pagination.
Figure 3-18.

Screenshot of WordPress pagination, which shows the number of items, the current page, the total number of pages, and navigation buttons

When navigating large data sets, it can be overwhelming to view a large quantity of data at once. Pagination can be used to reduce the results down to easy-to-digest chunks. In some cases, this has the added benefit of improving page performance and preventing data download issues. Each page shows some set number of results like 10 search results or 20 products.

Pagination is often combined with tools to customize display options like sorting, choosing number of results per page, and adapting content. We’ll look more at mixing and matching patterns and the resulting confusion in Chapter 6.

Where to draw the line

Pagination needs to adapt to the size of the results to effectively chunk content. For 1–5 pages, you might show a direct link to each page: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. For 100 pages, you might collapse the index down to Start, Previous, Current, Next, End, or 1, 2, [...] 99, 100. For 1–5 results (larger items like products in a range), you might opt for “Previous: <Product name>” and “Next: <Product name>” (similarly for relevant articles: “Next: 10 things you didn’t know you were doing wrong with pagination”). For this latter example, you might also let touch devices swipe between paged results. Finally, you might consider a canonical “view all” page5 for medium data sets where you can display all items at once without melting your visitor’s device, but you start by showing a limited set. These little labels drastically change the clarity of the pattern.

Pagination is sometimes forced upon users to increase ad views per article, rather than user-centered reasons. To make sure pagination adds value to the experience, consider paginating where a user might want to bookmark or share a specific, digestible subsection in a longer piece. One benefit to pagination is its accessibility.


Accessible digital content has these traits:
  • Perceivable (people can become aware of it)

  • Operable (people can use it)

  • Understandable (it naturally makes sense)

  • Robust (can withstand evolving technology and still be perceivable, operable, and understandable)

If you’re using semantic elements like links to navigate to different pages within your paginated content, you don’t need to do much extra to make it perceivable and operable.

Sometimes UI patterns are implemented with components using Accessible Rich Internet Applications (ARIA) attributes6 that give more information to Assistive Technologies to increase accessibility.

Let’s explore a related pattern with different accessibility challenges.

Pattern: Infinite scroll

Infinite scroll, sometimes more accurately called “continuous scroll,” loads and presents more results as you scroll without interruption in a single stream (seemingly forever, hence the moniker “infinite scroll”).

The content is loaded exactly in proportion to the user’s scroll effort, disclosing only as much information as they’re interested in and giving a hint of what’s to come, as we saw in the progressive disclosure pattern in Chapter 2. We can reduce clutter and minimize cognitive load on users with a minimal interface and give them control to expand it as they choose.

By presenting the most relevant content first, the user may then continue for as long as they are interested. As they approach the end of the currently displayed content, you can start to load more in the background. To avoid a user ever having to wait for content (knowingly, impatiently), you can pull in more items each time you load a set and start loading before they’ve reached the bottom, while they’re still reading other items. This means never seeing the dreaded “loading spinner.” If your user does reach the bottom before you’ve pulled in new content, you can show a stylized placeholder dummy image (a “loading skeleton”) to set expectations about what’s happening (loading) and what will happen (an item of about this size and shape will load). An example of this is shown in Figure 3-19.
Figure 3-19.

Screenshot of Facebook’s placeholder story hints at content to come

Infinite scroll is ideal when your visitor wants to keep consuming your content for extended periods, with limited deviations or engagement. Use this pattern when the user wants ever more content, such as social news feeds (e.g., Facebook, Twitter) and photostreams (e.g., Instagram, Google image searches). Unlike search results, you are not filtering for an exact place to stop, you are only looking for “more.”

Check out Etsy’s case study where continuous scroll ruined their user engagement ( http://danwin.com/2013/01/infinite-scroll-fail-etsy/ ) because no one would leave their infinite scroll to commit to a particular product to buy for Fear Of Missing Out (FOMO) on better things yet to be seen.

There are limited use cases where infinite scroll is appropriate, such as photostreams. Avoid infinite scroll when you want to bookmark, save, or share specific content in the stream. If you want to support that in an infinite scroll, you might take extra care to offer a “save for later” feature or a link that will take you directly to that item. Avoid it when you need to stop and engage with results like favoriting (see the favorites section ahead). Avoid infinite scroll when visitors need to compare items or find specific items. Avoid when visitors need to see your site footer.

As you can see, the task the user wants to accomplish shapes how appropriate infinite scroll is in a design problem’s context. Further, infinite scroll is notoriously challenging to implement well technically,7 so your technical resources and time may make this a poor choice. The success of infinite scroll is also heavily influenced by the context of what content and data you have. If there’s only one additional set of results to load, there’s little value to using the pattern.

Principle of choices in action

One design consideration for infinite scroll is how to offer a reader choices in navigating the content; they might want to skip a section of content and jump to another section further along. Twitter will hide old Tweets if you’ve been away awhile, so you can then choose either to skip to new Tweets or tap to expand more Tweets, seeing older, previously collapsed Tweets. If your user wants to jump to a specific section in your content like “results starting with U,” pagination indexed by letters might be more effective. See pagination earlier.

Note that as infinite scroll keeps loading more content, it can be difficult to reach the footer of a site (it will be pushed out of sight just as you arrive). You might handle this by removing the site footer on pages that use infinite scroll or offering adjacent links to skip to footer and stop loading content.

Principle of disclosure in action

A variation on infinite scroll is lazy-loading content on demand. That is, instead of scrolling to indicate your user wants more content, they can tap a button like “Show more results” to start loading more. Your user has a taste of what’s to come before choosing to disclose more.

Figure 3-20 shows an example of the principle of disclosure in action in an infinite scrolling blog.
Figure 3-20.

Screenshot of InVision’s load more button, which leaves space for more content to load inline

This distinction is important: it’s almost a pagination “Next” button that lets people access the site footer but sacrifices the ease and non-committal nature of scrolling. Imagine choosing to open another bag of cookies (a conscious decision) vs. continuously snacking from a very large bowl that’s constantly being topped up. There’s a decision point.

Inclusive design

One tactic for ensuring an accessible interface is to practice inclusive design. Inclusive design practices can ensure a functional, usable, and desirable experience for more people. Infinite scroll can impact accessibility,8 making it hard to design an infinite scroll that supports a wide variety of users and input mechanisms like keyboards.9 To design an inclusive infinite scroll, you can
  • Announce changes in the main content area where new content is loaded to screen readers using ARIA live regions ( https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Accessibility/ARIA/ARIA_Live_Regions ).

  • If you use a loading spinner or skeleton, ensure its content is perceivable by diverse users. You might, for example, announce the loading information to screen readers using the same aria-live method .

  • Manage content focus for users with keyboards or screen readers. If you offer an explicit button to load more content in your pagination component, you’ll need to move the user’s focus to the new content. You might use JavaScript to focus the first element of the newly loaded content and apply an attribute—tabindex="-1"—to the element if it’s not normally interactive, such as a static text heading.

To learn about implementing design patterns accessibly, check out The A11Y Project ( http://a11yproject.com/ ). For an in depth reference, I refer you to Heydon Pickering’s book, Inclusive Design Patterns.

Infinite scroll vs. pagination

Infinite scroll and pagination patterns both segment large collections of content. In both cases, users want to browse some smaller proportion of the total content available. In contrast, using neither of these patterns would mean loading huge amounts of content on one page (imagine Pinterest loading all its billions of images at once). Infinite scroll might make it feel like all the content is there, even though you know it’s loaded a chunk at a time, while pagination makes it clear you’re viewing just one segment at a time. The context for your design problem will suggest when each solution is a fine or frightful fit. If your user is a teenager casually indulging in photos to pass the time, infinite scroll is likely better. If your user is a nurse scavenging for an answer to a question, pagination may be the superior choice. In assessing these patterns for your case, explore how the user groups and personas, tasks, and constraints build the context.

Infinite scroll and favorites

As we saw in the section on favorites, it’s useful to refer back to favorited items. Twitter’s web site (at time of writing) offers no native ways to search your Twitter favorites and lists liked tweets on an infinite scrolling page. If you want to refer back to an older favorited item, you need to keep rapidly scrolling, nudging the bottom of the page, and waiting for more tweets to load until you find the one you were looking for.

Figure 3-21 shows a loading spinner at the bottom of Twitter’s infinite scrolling “likes” feed.
Figure 3-21.

Screenshot of the bottom of Twitter’s infinite scrolling “likes” feed

To avoid this clunky search behavior, you might use pagination instead or consider pairing your infinite scroll with search and filters. We’ll talk more about this in Chapter 6, on mixing and matching patterns.

Pattern: Follow

The follow pattern lets people subscribe to receive a stream of frequently updating content of interest to them, either around a certain topic or from an individual or organization.

Figure 3-22 shows an example of the follow pattern on Medium.
Figure 3-22.

Screenshot of Follow Sarah Drasner on Medium

The primary objective is to let people curate their information consumption, only hearing highly tailored, relevant news.

This lets followers consume content at their leisure, like trawling through a Twitter feed on the bus. Following also indicates which content a follower is interested in, so they might only receive updates about a specific person, organization, or topic. A fan might find following your Facebook page easier than checking your blog every day to see what’s new.

In order to make use of this pattern, your users need to follow enough topics or people to see as much content as they desire. To help users find people to follow, you can make recommendations based on previous activity, other similar users, or similar topics and people. Pinterest asks users up front what topics they’re interested in during the signup playthrough, shown in Figure 3-23.
Figure 3-23.

Screenshot of Pinterest asks you about five topics to customize your home feed

As you can see, followed entities can be used to populate activity feeds.

Use the follow pattern to increase engagement when you have evolving on-site content where a particular author or topic may be of interest while vast swathes of other content are not interesting to the follower.

Unlike the friend’s list pattern (ahead), there is no expectation that a followed party will follow someone back.

Pattern: Friend’s list

Similar to the follow pattern, the friend’s list pattern lets users signup to receive updates about other people’s content, as well as connect directly. Both parties must agree to be friends to share content. This helps people connect through their mutual interests.

Figure 3-24 shows an example of the friend’s list pattern.
Figure 3-24.

Screenshot of Goodreads friendships, which tell you what your friends are currently reading

It is necessary for each friend to confirm the relationship; therefore, it must be possible for users to find each other (potentially by searching for an address, name, username, or other identifier) and for one party to initiate the connection (usually by “adding a friend”). After connecting, the friend’s list pattern provides greater access to each friend to communicate and share content.

Use this pattern when social interaction between users is critical to the product. If connection between users is incidental to the product, then it might be better to support connections on another platform, such as helping users find each other via following your product on LinkedIn, rather than creating a redundant friend ecosystem.

The context for assessing the suitability of the friend’s list pattern includes consideration for where each party is in the user journey. Social networks often make friend suggestions for you to connect with people when they receive signals that you might have already met, such as sharing mutual acquaintances, attending similar events, and so on.

Friends and followers

As you can see, there is a lot of similarity between the friend’s list and follow patterns. They may also co-exist in a blended way within the one product or platform. For example, Twitter previously let you follow someone with no expectation of them following back, but then let you share direct messages only if you “friend” each other (by both following each other). In contrast, if you connect with a friend on Facebook, you mutually recognize the friendship, but it’s also possible to “unfollow” them to stop seeing their posts but stay friends, letting you both send direct messages and still access posts via your profiles.

We’ll look more at mixing and matching patterns in Chapter 6.

Interaction and motion design

Beyond the foundations of exploring patterns by context, it’s useful to consider the interactivity of patterns. Human–computer interaction has a long history. Fitts’s Law—which states the time to reach a target area is related to the distance and size of the target—has been around since the 1950s. In interaction design, it’s used to optimize interfaces by minimizing travel between targets or activities and increasing the size of targets, such as the clickable area of a link, so that users may perform tasks efficiently.

For some rules of thumb about usability, check out Jakob Nielsen’s 10 Usability Heuristics for User Interface Design ( www.nngroup.com/articles/ten-usability-heuristics/ ). Likewise, for interaction design heuristics, see First Principles of Interaction Design by Bruce “Tog” Tognazzini ( https://asktog.com/atc/principles-of-interaction-design/ ).

Animation on the Web, or motion design as it’s increasingly called, is only now growing into a mature field. Importantly, it can be used to orient and direct attention, improving user satisfaction through superior feedback and by expressing tone, as discussed in Navigating the World of UX Motion Design.


For an approachable and comprehensive lesson in motion design, Val Head’s book Designing Interface Animation shares concrete examples of purposeful design, driven by user needs, built using modern performance and progressive techniques.

For use in evaluating patterns, let’s look at the triggers, action, and feedback of interaction.


Every interaction must be initiated by some trigger, such as a button. That is, a trigger uses a visual or social signifier that some action will take place and, when triggered, will start the process.

Effective triggers are recognizable with a clear relationship between what they look like and what they do. For example, when using the favorite pattern, the trigger to favorite an item might be a heart button with the word favorite placed closely together with the item. A high-five emoji with no text might be less clear as a trigger to favoriting some content.

Some interactions have no visible signifiers to signify their existence. For example, when you pinch to zoom in on an image, there’s usually no visible evidence that this interaction is possible. Mostly these triggers are taught socially, and expectations are set through convention (picture galleries on phones can frequently be navigated by swiping). And yet you can hint at available behaviors using subtle signifiers, such as overlaying images with a magnifying glass to suggest zooming is possible.

Figure 3-25 shows when tapping Vermont’s map of Gant stores using one finger, they use an overlay to tell you to use two fingers to move the map.
Figure 3-25.

Screenshot of Vermont Gant’s store locator showing “Use two fingers to move the map” on touch

This lets you both scroll the page—without being “caught” in a map—and pan the map with a different gesture if you want to traverse it.

Triggers can be reinforced with positive results to associate the trigger with good things and, in turn, encourage more interaction with the trigger. With this in mind, consider spending more time on designing triggers that are used with high frequency to ensure they’re satisfying and delightful. Twitter, for example, fill their gray heart icons with red on hover and animate their hearts with sparkles ( https://css-tricks.com/recreating-the-twitter-heart-animation/ ) when tapped so that the trigger itself is considered enjoyable.


The action itself should be close to effortless. There’s no need for a drag and drop interface if there’s only ever one drop target area—a click/tap will do there.

Minimize the amount of coordinated movement needed; “scrubbing” back and forth through a video or audio player or using a slider should let you clumsily drag the marker about rather than require precision to reach the desired place. For this interaction, you might
  • Use well-spaced “steps” to ensure a price slider lands easily on $100 instead of $98.2

  • Provide keyboard shortcuts

  • Include “skip forward”/”skip backward” buttons with defined increments

  • Control scrubbing speed with upward/downward touch or mouse movement


For feedback, keep the results of an action as close to the trigger as possible to keep the user’s attention and give them a sense of direct control or manipulation over the object they are interacting with. If the results need to be some distance away, as in the case of search filters, for example, you can use timing and animation to reinforce the relationship. You might provide additional contextual feedback, such as validation feedback or a notification (see Chapter 2).

This feedback is an opportunity to thank and reward the user for their effort. As with the Twitter heart animation example, you can jazz up the trigger itself or you can introduce the results with personality using delightful microcopy or animations that float, jiggle, or fade.

When is a pattern a bad idea?

Patterns are the natural result of successful, proven methods for solving user interface problems. In turn, a pattern is a poor choice when you’re faced with a totally novel problem that’s yet to be solved. While you might lean on the principles we’ve discussed in this chapter to evaluate a new user flow or interface solution, it’s a bad idea to shoehorn old solutions into new problems. We take a deeper look at breaking away from patterns in Chapter 6.

I’d also suggest not trying to use a pattern when you haven’t yet defined the problem! It might be tempting to reach for the comfort of a pattern when faced with the uncertainty of an ill-defined problem. Hold off until you can clearly articulate who your audience is, what their motivations are, and what they’re trying to achieve with your product.

Finally, patterns are useful as named solutions to clarify and communicate about user interfaces. If you find yourself splitting hairs trying to distinguish between very similar patterns, they’re no longer communicating the way patterns are supposed to.

Example: Login form

To expand on our example from Chapter 1, let’s see how we can use what we’ve learned in this chapter to make some changes.

Firstly, our user journey shows that our user has just arrived at the login form from reading an article. Using more precise microcopy, we’ll tailor the form to include a link back to the article. Figure 3-26 shows the added text “back to article.”
Figure 3-26.

The precise label used is “back to article

By using a text link to return to the article, we now have a descriptive label for the cross icon. Instead of adding an aria-label for "back to article" on a cross icon, we can use an aria-hidden attribute so the cross isn’t misread to screen readers. If we didn’t use aria-hidden, the full link might read as “back to article times operator.” Note that we’ve also updated the button’s call to action to match the title and avoided the jargon of “submit,” which can sound mechanical.

Using the information architecture principle of front doors—at least half of your visitors will come through a backdoor (or some page other than the homepage)—we can check that our login form makes sense when you’ve arrived from different places. When you’ve come from an article, you’ll see three clues to give you a sense of where you are and what to do next: “Sign in,” “Back to article,” and “To save this article, you must sign in to your account.” If you had clicked directly a “log in” link, we could hide the back link and help text, and the form would still make sense.

For users accessing this form on their mobile devices, it could be difficult to write out their full email address. We could use the HTML input type=email attribute to ensure the “@” symbol is shown on mobile keyboards. Figure 3-27 shows the changed keyboard.
Figure 3-27.

Example of the email keyboard on iOS devices include an easy-to-access at symbol (@) and a full stop (.)

The user task underpinning our example login is that the user wishes to save their article. If we are using the favorite pattern, we could be more explicit about what impact the action of logging in will have. Figure 3-28 shows more text to explain: “To add this article to your public list of favorites, you must sign in to your account.”
Figure 3-28.

Example of login form with more explicit impact described

It’s a little wordy though. To balance the usability of a minimal aesthetic, we might simplify it a bit, as shown in Figure 3-29: “To like this article, you must sign in to your account.”
Figure 3-29.

Example of login form with balanced microcopy and minimal aesthetic

Finally, in considering motion design and feedback in interactions, if a user submits the login form with an empty email address, we might jiggle the email input field to draw the user’s attention to it.

We’ve used our analysis of patterns to make a few tiny improvements. Achieving many tiny improvements can lead to big results.


Now you know how to discover new patterns as well as how to analyze them. To kick off your analysis, you’ve seen how to clarify your design problem’s context in terms of journeys, tasks, personas, and constraints. We’ve also covered these patterns:
  • Autocomplete

  • Search filters

  • Infinite scroll

  • Pagination

  • Activity feed

  • Favorites

  • Follow

  • Friend’s list

Next, we’ll dive into internal pattern libraries where patterns are tailored to the context of your organization.
